**Due to the amount of videos on this post, it has slowed my blog site down. I'm removing the videos and will be updating with links asap**
Sometimes bloggers do weird things. And this is one of them.
MK took it as a dare, and sent her a number of questions. Lilah made the mistake of saying "Betcha can't think of any more" and...received more...
However, Lilah took it in stride, and publicly challenged MK to ask her as many questions as she could think of.
Shortly after that, it grew into a tag (after getting shrunk to 65 questions).
These are the guidelines...
1. Link back to me, because I am queen of all.
2. Or Link back to Lia's post, because it amuses me.
3. Come and comment that you've done the tag so I can read it and laugh all over again.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Tag your friends so that they hate you.
I actually haven't officially been tagged - I believe people are hesitant to actually tag someone, since there are so many questions, and just leave it open. But, to make this exciting...I'm going to try to link to as many songs as I can...
One song on the radio that annoys you?
I hear this playing on the downtown loudspeakers all the time at work. It drives me insane.
One song that you love and sing along to every time it comes on the radio?
I don't listen to the radio much. I usually just play something on my phone. And there's nothing on the downtown speakers that I enjoy...
Favorite and least favorite genre of music?
Bluegrass is my home genre, and I would probably say metal is my least favorite.
Last song you listened to?
(Before looking up songs for this post, lol)
Song you've been listening to a lot?
Yeah, on repeat. And repeat again. And again...
Favorite music video?
I actually don't watch a lot of music videos, especially since I mostly play music as background noise for writing, running, and such. Really, I only occasionally watch this one:
Are you listening to music right now?
You think???
Favorite romantic song?
Um....maybe the song that I've been listening to on repeat? (See above)
Last song you cried during?
Don't ask. Please. Just blame Infinity War....
Last song that made you laugh?
My siblings and I like to do a sing-off with this one! It usually ends with laughter.
A song you like in a different language?
Oh, wow. I actually have a bunch to choose from...but, ultimately, it goes to...Smuglyanka Moldavanka.
The version from a favorite movie of mine, Only Old Men Go to Battle, is cool.
And then there's a really neat version that my cousin in Slovakia sent me.
Favorite summer song?
Um....what??? Like...for playing while driving down the road with the windows down??
Road trip song?
I See Fire
I play this song a lot...Sarah and I jam to it...Evan tolerates it...my little sisters can chime in on the chorus...my brother sings along...and sometimes even my Mom! :)
I know that might be a little weird....but I find this kinda beautiful and haunting and when I imagine some kind of fantasy adventure to go with the music than I start dropping off the sleep...
While-you-read song?
I actually don't listen to music while I read...too distracting. :)
While-you-study song?
My studying days are DONE thank you very much
Last song on your playlist?
*laughs* Which playlist? I have SEVERAL.
Song that makes you want to dance?
Riverdance, of course!!!
I mean, really, who doesn't want to dance while watching that???
Instrumental song?
I listen to bluegrass. There's a lot of instrumentals. But a favorite?
Knob Creek
It's so beautiful...and powerful....and amazing...and everything I like in a Bluegrass song.
A song with a color in it.... and do you love it or hate it?
Don't laugh, but this is the first thing that came to mind...
I kinda tolerate it. I'm not really a Les Mis fan, but this one is kinda catchy.
A song that means a lot to you right now?
I've been working on playing this one on the piano, and it's really been fun mastering it.
I dunno, just something about it...the deepness...this feel of history...the rising and falling of the tune...it's hauntingly beautiful.
Favorite Disney Song?
Okay, so it's just a musical part...but this one's my favorite and I LOVE it.
Favorite Disney Love Song?
Um.... *has no idea what to answer* I don't watch many Disney movies, actually...
Disney song you hate/dislike?
Don't even get me started on this one...
Favorite Disney soundtrack as a whole?
Sooooo technically PotC is a Disney franchise, right? So this counts, right?
Take your favorite season and make a playlist for it... it has to be at least 5 songs long.
Winter song that is not about Christmas OR a typical Christmas song?
What, you thought you could mention "winter" and not have me think of this??
A song with food in it?
Music you listen to while cleaning your room?
Anything, really. But this has been a random favorite that I whip out when I need something motivational.
Song for each of your top two favorite holidays?
Okay, so I'm not a holiday person. I really like Thanksgiving, though. And a Psalm that we always sing together on Thanksgiving.
(So, I look up Psalm 100 to provide a video, and the first one that comes up is this one...and it's GPC!!!! I love the people there, and visit them a lot, and they visit us, and they're great folks!)
But apparently I need a second favorite holiday, and another song??
*frantically hurries to next question*
What movie/TV show theme songs can you sing?
Okay, so I don't watch many TV shows, and it seems like the few I do watch don't even have theme songs with vocals?? But this will have to do...
Song not about relationships, boys, love or anything super serious or sad?
A Folk Tune you like?
I love this one!!! It's so fun to play (I even prepared my own version for competing), and this version is beautiful!!
Songs that always get stuck in your head...even if you only hear a line or two?
This is like....my theme song, according to Evan.
Workout Playlist?
Link to my soundcloud running playlist - enjoy!
Wedding Playlist?
MWAHAHAHAHAHAH this is gonna be my wedding. XD
Do you have a song that reminds you of one of your OTPs?
This song. And then take a guess on what my top OTP is...
A song that you feel different about after seeing the music video and whether you stopped liking it or not?
I believe I've already mentioned that I don't watch many music videos...I think I've seen more than I ever have before just by looking up songs for this post...
A song you would recommend to everyone?
This is sooooo epic!!
A song you don't like telling people about so you can horde it and make it "your song"?
Well I'm certainly not going to tell you now!!!
A song that makes you want to go out and do something crazy/adventurous?
Well, since you asked...
This one.
Okay, I'll admit, I do listen to The Winter Soldier soundtrack quite a bit...
A song that is super catchy, but you don't like because you don't like the meaning behind the words or just don't like it?
Oh now you've done it. I can't even think of this song without it getting stuck in my head. So I'm not even going to find a video. I'm just gonna name it.
Doesn't matter where I go, I hear it. On the radio, on the speakers playing downtown, by some random dude playing the guitar at the street corner while I'm in another state...it's everywhere.
Also, recently, I was in Indiana.
Me: *walks into random shoe store*
Shoe Store Radio: *stars playing Wagon Wheel*
Me: How??? How???
And it's not the best. The tune is so catchy but the lyrics aren't the greatest...kinda have hidden meanings, y'know??
A song you listen to while pretending you're listening to someone talk?
I like to think I'm polite and pause my music when people are talking to me. But if I have an instrument in my hands, I'm likely to quietly play it during conversations.
A children's song you like?
I mean, really, did you expect anything different???
A lullaby you would sing to your own children.
Psalm 23
Unless I've already been singing for over an hour, and happen to have a cold. Cause last time I sung for an hour, with a cold, and then sang this one, I started getting light-headed...
A song that is "your theme song"
I've already answered that, kind of. But here's another video anyway. And this time, it has bagpipes!
(Never heard of this person, btw. The video came up, and I was all Bagpipes?? Gotta give this a listen!!)
Favorite musician?
Favorite book about a musician
Adam of the Road came to mind instantly. It's a super cute story about a minstrel's son, who gets separated from his dad and has to wander the medieval world, with his harp and his dog, to find his father again.
Highly recommended if you like cute reads!! (With dogs and music!!)
5 favorite musicians and your favorite of their songs?
*bluegrass bands only (take warning)* *click band to go to fave song*
Favorite music blog(s)?
Umm...what?? What is this thing??
An unknown/lesser known musician?
Probably like....every other musician I've mentioned??
Favorite radio station?
As mentioned before, I don't listen to much radio.
What musician do you listen to the most?
Honestly, I don't know. Probably Kripple Krunk. Just because.
Rihanna or Beyoncé? (you can't say neither)
Um....honestly, I don't know. I don't know who they are and I'm kinda afraid to Google them...
Listen to a song by Justin Bieber (or any musician you really don't like) and write a paragraph long review on it?
Gonna pass, for the above reason: too afraid to Google...
Last musical you watched?
Does The Court Jester count? I don't know much about musicals. Does it have to be completely singing? Or just lots of songs?
Musical you've never watched but really want to?
The movie that has "The Rain in Spain" song in it... (or is that not a musical, either?)
If you could only pick one musical to see on Broadway, what would it be?
*sputters* What's with all the musical questions all of a sudden?? (And honestly...what's Broadway??)
Favorite musical score from a movie that is not a musical?
I find myself listening to The Winter Soldier soundtrack quite a bit. Please don't judge.
Last musical you belted while walking around your house?
Please don't ask...I sometimes belt this one out randomly...
A song from your favorite musical that you hate/dislike?
Again, what's with these musical questions?? There's some parts I skip in Les Mis, how about that?? We'll go with that. Next question!!
Favorite song from the Greatest Showman soundtrack?
*record scratch*
I haven't even heard one song from this...
Do you have any musical merch?
So...I decided not to show you my record player, because, well, I don't want to look like I'm too much of a weird music person...
So have a picture of my instruments instead!
**Piano not pictured** |
Anyway, I'm going to leave this tag open, like everyone else. If you feel like showing off some of your favorite music, by all means...