What Have I Learned?

When I first started writing, I honestly knew nothing.  I didn’t know what in the world I was doing.  I was simply given a laptop, and I planned to type up a little story - just for fun.  I didn’t do any prep.  I didn’t have a plot.  I didn’t even have spell check (scary, I know).  And then I decided I wanted to publish said story.


I didn't research things.

I just wrote.

Eight years later, I like to think I’ve gotten a little bit better.  I don’t just wing my stories.  I have a decent word processor (with spell check!!).  I even have (slightly more) realistic plans of publishing.

So how have I grown as a writer?  Let me count the ways...

I start a new paragraph every time a character talks (and, as a bonus, when the subject changes!)

I no longer have people with guns randomly showing up in a fantasy novel (please don't ask)

My characters act their age (because when I was 12, a 17 year old was old and very much an adult)(now that I'm 21, I think 17 year olds are practically children)

No longer are the characters copies of myself and my friends

There is actually decent worldbuilding (or at least attempts at it)

I start each story knowing, more or less, where it is going to go

I actually finish stories I start (mostly because of the above point)

I know what steps needs to be taken to actually get published (or at least, more than I knew when I first dreamed of it)(thanks to GTW)

There is a larger variety of characters (not just a girl trying to prove she’s better than boys, and the guy with anger issues) and an even greater variety of weapons (cause not everyone uses a sword, y'all)

I know for certain that I have no clue what I’m doing (and thus am constantly learning)

What have you all learned after writing for a while (be it years, or just weeks)?


  1. You have learned some great things! :) And I like your last point, because we truly are constantly learning!

  2. Oh my goodness, your old stuff sounds JUST like mine. I always had the girl who was tough and invincible yet still soft-spoken, somehow; the guy who was irritated with everyone around him; that one abused character (and the young me definitely knew how to write PTSD...sheesh XD); the bickering parents....I don't really understand why any of those tropes showed up constantly, either. The more I think about it the less sense it makes. :P And I love that you acknowledge that we're still learning! That's one thing that's so cool about writing (and most other things, to be quite honest)...there's no end point to the line.

    1. I didn't have the bickering parents, though. Mostly because my characters were all "eighteen and out of the house because they're hardcore adults now." lol

      But writing the know-it-all girl /was/ fun, as was the silent-and-angry guy. I will admit. :) Writing a wider variety of characters is better, though, and much more enjoyable, I think.

  3. Wow, do I love this post...it's so cool to see progression :)

    The biggest lesson that I learned was that I needed a big dose of reality in my fiction, otherwise it would be more like a dream/Wonderland time of story and not as enjoyable. There were quite a lot of others and yes, more to come!!!


    1. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass make my head hurt... At least At the Back of the North Wind was kinda beautiful even though it makes almost no sense to me, either.

      But yeah, it's nice for books to be sort of realistic.

  4. I relate to most of those so much! Yes, to new paragraphs! I so hate it when people don't do that with dialogue! And yes to 17 year olds used to seeming old, now seeming like children ;D And so YES to knowing where a story is going thus having an ending and finishing it!!!


    1. But hey, we're always learning! Can't wait to see what my writing is like in another 8 years.

  5. I never used to create new paragraphs either! Then a teacher told me that I should do that, and frankly, my mind was blown as it made everything look twice as nice! xD It sounds like you've learned a lot; keep writing, learning, and editing!! <3

    1. I can't even remember how/when I learned to do it...just that my beginning stories started out like that, and somewhere along the way I changed. If my poor memory serves, my mom might have told me??
