Shared WIP Tag, Part Four

Finishing up, not long now, everyone!!  We got this!!!
List your SC’s, state one of their main hobbies, and tell us how they influence your MC in the story.
Now, I have tons of side characters.  This is a fantasy trilogy, so what did you expect?  To keep things simple (for myself, anyway), I picked three of the mainest side characters to talk about for the tag.
Wisdom Ravencroft; she loves meeting people and sharing scripture passages with them; she is kind of a mentor to Marywyn, teaching her how to read and write, and even buying her a first horse (though to be fair, it was an old horse and didn't cost much).
Princess Connaven; she loves reading and horse riding and going to parties and she really doesn’t have any hobbies otherwise; Marywyn is in charge of keeping her safe, which means Marywyn sometimes has to do things she’d rather not in order to keep Connaven safe.
Duren Blackburn; he plays the fiddle during the music-makings, but I don't really know if that's considered as a hobby, as he carries it everywhere and it's really just a part of him in a way; he teaches Marywyn how to use a sword and is always encouraging her to be brave.
Who is the SC that is the closest to your MC?
I would say Wisdom, for sure.  She’s just that kind of person.

How do your SC’s act around people they don’t know?
Wisdom has no fear of people.  She intentionally seeks out strangers just to get to meet them and learn their hopes, dreams, their stories, their trials...she just loves people.  She's go up to anyone and talk.
Connaven is more shy.  If a stranger begins a conversation with her, she would gladly listen, but would be unlikely to speak, at least until she feels a little more comfortable.  She would want to make sure she looked nice, especially when she wants to make a good first impression.
Duren, well, he's not shy or withdrawn much, but when you only communicate with gestures and facial expressions, things can get awkward.  So he tends to sit to the side and just observe, though he would gladly try to hold conversation as best he can without actually speaking when someone is willing to try and interpret.
What conflict do they add to the story (disagreeing with the MC, perhaps)?
Wisdom, as much as she would like to help Marywyn, answers to the West Band first and foremost, which means she sometimes has to leave Marywyn or else not help.
Conn gives quite a bit of conflict (see below).  Wherever she goes, Marywyn has to go.  Whatever she says, Marywyn kind of has to obey.
Duren...yeah, he can make things complicated as well.  Communication issues and the like.

Would your MC die for any of them?  What about vice versa?
Marywyn is actually faced with this question.  As the Crown Warrior to the Princess, she is supposed to keep Connaven safe, even if it means dying for her.  And Marywyn has to ask, is she willing to give her life for the Princess?  Is she brave enough?

If you were writing a books about your SCs, what might the books be like?

Wisdom’s story would have so many rabbit-trails and be so crammed full of people we would never be able to keep them straight.
Connaven's story might be a little more exciting, but there would be some large gaps of nothing but daily castle life.
Duren’s would probably be the most entertaining, but there would be pages left completely blank and other pages completely existing of KJHALDKFJHDSLKJF.
What is your favorite part about the setting?
I dunno.  Honestly, I love putting bits of history in the storyworld.  “This is where the great battle of whatever was fought” and “this old tower used to be an important landmark” and “the great bell is not to be rung when enemies are in the land” and all that cool stuff.
What was the hardest part about coming up with the setting?
Um...the fact that I do almost absolutely no world building at all before I start writing.  So I do have to go back and kind of add it in.  And that can sometimes be annoying, because I’d rather be doing other things, lol
Is there anything about the setting that produced a major change in your character throughout the story?
Well, considering there are tigers in the fields and valleys, and even bigger ones in the forests and mountains, Marywyn has to be brave enough to face them when she has to travel around.
Did you base your setting off of any place in particular?
Eh, not really.  I just kinda took little bits from all over; nothing in particular comes to mind.  I know, I'm boring.

Come back next week for the epic aesthetic party!  Remember to check out the other blogs:



  1. Ok, so I'm the same with world building haha! And description. All that is for draft two. And you all were so much smarter than me . . . I made a huge list of most of my SC instead of simply picking a couple. Yours sound great! And I love that Wisdom shares scriptures. I really hope I get to read this book someday. SC characters are what make stories stick together;)

    1. Agreed - side characters can really make or break a story!! But I could really have made a HUGE list but that would have just been super time consuming. You'll get to meet a few more of the side characters next week, though!

  2. I really like the name Wisdom!

  3. Okay, now I really want to have a story about Duren, based on your description! I want to FKSAAKDLDFH over it so badly! XD

  4. I want to learn more about Duren! Lol, and this has been super fun, I've really enjoyed doing this tag, super excited for next week! =D

    1. Duren's been a fun character to write. I'm glad you're enjoying the tag!

  5. Duren uses the fiddle to communicate, right? (and I want to read a book with pages that just say ADSAFLDKJSGDAJF!)

    And yeah, I don't worldbuild beforehand either - and it's hard to make it up as I go along, I find, partly because of continuity issues... so worldbuilding is not my favourite part of writing. ;)
    - Jem Jones

    1. Yes, he does!

      I have enjoyed worldbuilding when I finally sat down and did it, though!
