Shared WIP Tag - Side Characters

Whew! Hard to believe we're almost done with November and NaNo!

If you had to go on a mission with any of your SCs, which one(s) would you pick?

Um...probably Ash. She's got street smarts and is pretty tough, but can also be very kind. Or maybe Jay Hill himself. Or Shade. Most of the side crew can be pretty useful in a fight, tbh.

Which of your side characters attempts to steal attention from the MC the most? 

Um, Jay Hill. Because technically it's his story--we just happen to be telling it from the POVs of Ravin and Adi. For some reason.

Which SC would annoy you the most and which one would you bond with the most?

I think Heather and maybe Justin and I could all get along. We're all pretty chill people. Not sure if Arrow would enjoy spending time with me. But he's just a kid, y'know? He'd rather be with all the cool people.

Which SC would you be most attracted to, romantically or platonically?

(Who suggested this question, and why was it approved??)

(Can I not answer this? My mom reads my blog.)

(And my siblings.)

(I'd like to not face them after answering this question.)

I'll just say that I could possibly get along with a lot of the side characters, as they're decent folks and I'm a fairly friendly gal.

Would you fit in with your SCs collectively, or would they not be your type of friend group?

I think if I was able to prove myself as a capable person, they'd accept me right in to their little group. I'm not sure how useful archery would be at sea, but I'm sure there's some use for it, and seeing as how precious few of them are skilled archers, there might be a spot for me.

If your SCs are not all friends, what would result if you were to thrust them together as a group and assign them an activity?

Um...this is what the entire book is about.

Which SC would fit into our world the most?

Justin. He's so chill.

Which SC makes you laugh the most?

Probably Josiah. Granted, the scene where Hawthorne faints at seeing an assassin standing in front of him always makes me laugh. And Justin's real name "Justin Case" always gets me smiling.

Which SC could probably get removed without affecting much of the story?

Um, Liz. She's already been kicked out. Hawthorne might be the next to go? And honestly, Justin has very little to do except standing around looking cool and making us laugh with his name. And maybe Heather?

Which SC could never get removed because of how important their role is?

Jay Hill. Arrow. Ash. Josiah. These guys (and gal) are THE BEST.

Almost done, y'all. To everyone still pushing through NaNo: YOU GOT THIS!!


  1. Oh my word xD xD Your answer to the romantic question...ME HONESTLY. If I had that question I'd be like UH. DO I HAVE TO. So..yeah xD *dies*

  2. JUSTIN CASE. *dies laughing* That's brilliant. xD

    1. *bows* Thank you!!! One of my highest writing achievements.

  3. Fun tag! Sounds like some great characters.

  4. XD I would have a hard time answering the romance question too.

    1. The person who picked that question needs to be freeze dried in their sleeping bag as a warning to others.
