The Mysteriously Nameless Tag of Doom

So Lena (my current nickname for Evangeline) tagged me last week sort of because I asked her.  She was talking about answering the questions to it, and I was like "tag me, so I have something to post during NaNo and don't have to spend a bunch of time prepping for it."  And she complied.

So enjoy.  Cause I certainly enjoyed not having to take time off from NaNo to prepare a super-amazing-and-informative-post-that-will-make-me-a-popular-blogger.

What book has been on your shelf the longest?

I just got a new bookshelf, so they all have only been on there for a few weeks.  I don't even think I've gotten any new books since I got the bookshelf...

What is your current read, your last read, and the book you’ll read next?

Currently reading:
I'm actually reading a paper-back copy, with Evangeline and another friend.  My Dad has this nice hard-backed one, though, that's he's also reading.  The notes are super helpful, but also a little distracting when you're trying to read. 

The Thought of God by Maurice Roberts
I've met the author twice, and he is a very dear man and retired preacher.  I highly recommend this book - it is a series of articles that he wrote, and they are very easy to understand, very thought-provoking, very encouraging, and really stir the reader towards thoughts of God!

Last Read:
Samara's Peril by Jaye L. Knight
I think it's my least favorite book in the series so far, but I still enjoyed it.  Full of adventure, feels, and friendship!

Next Read:
Exiles by Jaye L. Knight
This was going to be my reward for completing NaNoWriMo, but I may let it sit until I completely finish the draft of Words of Peace.  Cause once I start reading it, I probably won't be able to put it down, so I better hold off until the draft is finished!

What book did everyone like, but you hated?

The Book of the Dun Cow by Walter Wangerin Jr.
It was plain weird.  Just.  *squirms*  Weird.  Perhaps a little too much symbolism (I don't mind it, but not when every single little thing has some sort of hidden meaning...), and a lot of Chauntecleer screaming COCK A DOODLE DOO and the dog howling MAROOOOONED, and it was written in an odd style that I'm not used to, and I couldn't get into it at all.  Even thinking of that book gives me a headache.  But yet everyone gives it good reviews....

Not that it's a bad's just totally not my kind of reading.  Somehow.  'Cause on a normal basis I would enjoy a story about chickens.  I just probably won't read the next ones. 
On the other hand, my brother read it, and he enjoyed it.  So there's that.  If he ever gets the other ones, I may just skim them anyway...

What book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?

Hmmm...not sure.  I've pretty much read all I've wanted read, save for books currently on my TBR, and I plan to read all those.  So...nothing here.

What book are you saving for retirement?

Retirement?  *record screech*  Wait...I've got to start thinking about that now???

Last page: read it first, or wait ’til the end?

Wait until the end, of course!!!  Only twice have I not read straight from the beginning to the end...and I regretted it both times.

Occurrence #1 - My Grandpappy got me Forest Born for my birthday, and I immedtialy started reading it...only to find out it was the last book of the Bayern series.  Whoops.

Occurrence #1 - I was getting ready to read Inkdeath, and as I flipped through the pages first (looking at the illustrations to prepare myself to read) the name Dustfinger caught my eye at the top of a page.  So I started reading, and...wait...he's alive???  Whoops again.

Acknowledgement: waste of paper and ink, or interesting aside?

I skim them in a second and then ignore them for the rest of eternity.  I don't think they're a waste, as I most certainly will be writing them when my books are published, but I doubt anyone reads them.  Unless they're funny.
Not to Self: Make your acknowledgements funny. 

Which book character would you switch places with?

Aravis, from The Horse and His Boy.  I want to go travel the countryside with a Prince and two talking horses!  (And maybe save Narnia while I'm at it.)
"The bolt of Tash falls from above!!!"
"Does it ever get caught on a hook halfway?"
Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life? (Place, time, person?)

I have a couple books that I've received from different people (and thusly think of them when I read it) or took with me on trips (so I think of that trip when I read it), but nothing other than that.

Name a book that you acquired in an interesting way.

I was at Corbridge a few years ago, and found the book The Lantern Bearers for sale at the gift shop.  I couldn't remember reading it before, so I snatched it up.  When I started to read it, I found that I had already read it before, but at least I have my own copy now - and brought all the way from Merry Old England!

Another time, I let a friend borrow a horse book of mine, and when she "returned" it, it was a different horse book....but she said I could keep that one anyway, so I did.  I'm still waiting for the original one. 

Have you ever given a book away for a special reason to a special person?

I don't give away books.  I hoard them.  But also see above answer for the one time I "gave" a book away...

Which book has been with you most places?

My paperback copy of The Silmarillion.  It's tiny, and super easy to just tuck into my purse and take places.  It's been to England, Belarus, Germany, and all over the US (who knew I was such a traveler??).

Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad later?

Well, to be honest, I was happy reading whatever I was given.  It's just like "Oh, great, a new book to read!!!  Kinda boring, but it's better than nothing, y'know??"  *speeds through book even though it's not to interesting or in my favorite genres*

Used or brand new?


Have you ever read a Dan Brown book?

No, and I will admit, I had to Google his name to even find out who he is...

Have you ever seen a movie you liked more than the book?

Prince Caspian.  The book was a little ho-hum (probably my least favorite Narnia book, actually), but the movie is probably my favorite Narnia movie.  I dunno....the movie just has a little more excitement and adventure, while the book is like...sloooowwww....

Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks included?

That's my secret.  I'm always hungry. 

Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?

1) My parents.  They did the research when I was younger, and looked for good, clean, wholesome books for me to read.  When they tell me "this is a good book you can read," I have complete faith and trust that I can go ahead and start reading it.

2) Evangeline.  Honestly, I read waaaaaaaay more books then she does, but when she comes and says "Hey, I liked this one," I know it's good.  Or else she wouldn't have finished it, and she certainly wouldn't be telling me it was good if she didn't like it.

3)  Sarah.  She tells me about a good book, and I instantly have to go check it out.  She knows that I prefer books with less magic in them, and she respects it, and suggest books she knows I'll enjoy.  When she tells me of a good book, I'm sure it'll be good.

Is there a book out of your comfort zone (e.g., outside your usual reading genre) that you ended up loving?

Charity and Its Fruits, I would say.  It was one of my first attempts at reading "An Adult Theological" book.  I don't think I was a mature enough of a reader when I first attempted it, and so I put it down shortly, being just unable to read it.  Then I came back to it earlier this year, wanting to give it another go, and managed to get through it, and I really liked it.  I would love to read it again sometime!

The Re-Tag

Lisa @ Inkwell
Mary @ Sunshine and Scribblings
Anyone else who wants to do this tag so they don't have to write a fancy post during NaNo


  1. You just stole my reference for the hungry question. Not fair!

    1. Seriously? I'm sorry!!! I was just like "I'm always hungry...hmm...wait a minute..."

  2. Haha, I loved reading this tag, Julian!


  3. I HATE THE BOOK OF THE DUN COW TOO. BOOK TWINS. *high five* I read it when I was like seven, and I was literally traumatized. Like, waaaay too young for it, but a friend of my dad's told him that his (adult) children had loved it a few years back, and my dad forgot that they would have been in their mid-teens at that point. So...yeah.

    Awesome tag! Our preferences seem very similar. :P

  4. Thanks girl!! I was tagged for this way back in July but this is like a sign I should really get to doing this lol xD

  5. Enjoyed your post. Don't you think you find out a lot about a person by their books? I remember Dun Cow... read it years ago. It was strange, but if I remember right, I think I liked it. Who knows? I'm now in those "retirement" years and still reading MG and YA. What does that say about me???

  6. Ah, yes. We are now not only required to have a plan for our post-school life... but a plan all the way to retirement as well. ;P

    You've traveled a lot! Was it for holidays, or to see family, or for work or something? And did it help with worldbuilding and stuff for stories? Was it weird with the different languages, and do you now speak them? (England totally has a different language... :P) I've never been out of Australia, so I'm really fascinated! ;)
    - Jem Jones
