It's Time - Julian's 4-Part Special!

Alright, everyone.
It's here!!!!!!
Remember that 4-Part Special I had a few months ago?
The next one is taking place in March.  Which means, in February, all the participants get to help decide on the questions!  (Which is half the fun, really.)
So just drop a comment below, or contact me via the form on the sidebar, and I'll get you set up to help work on the questions.
Curious as to how this works?  Keep reading!
Step One
Throughout the month of February, everyone taking part will work together to create four sets of ten questions.  These questions are usually geared towards everyone's current WIP, but can also be changed if everyone wants to do something different this time around.
Step Two
Decide on a day that everyone can publish on.  Last year we published every Wednesday for four weeks, and that seemed to work well.
Step Three
Publish your answers on your blog, and link to the other posts as they become available.
Check out my Shared WIP Tag page to see the links from the last one!

(Also, please forgive any errors in posts, or delays in responding to emails and such...I'm suddenly crazy busy, blogger isn't working well for me, and I haven't had a lot of internet access...)


  1. YES. Julian, you must let me help with this. I enjoyed watching (stalking) the last one so much, that I must do this one with you guys.

    So. Just tell me what to do. XD

    D.G. Snapper |

    1. Just contact me via the form on the right side of my blog, so I can get your email to add you to the shared document. :)

      So excited you want to join!!!

  2. You definitely can count me in!!! And you already know my email.

  3. I want in this time! :D
    I'll email you, although I think you have my email, but I'm not 10% sure.

  4. I kind of want to do it again...will you accept repeats? XD

    1. Repeats are totally welcome - thanks for liking it enough to do it again!

  5. I don't know if I can do it again. I'm having major computer troubles. I'll keep you updated, but for now I don't think I'll be in. I'm sorry.

    1. That's perfectly fine! Just let me know if you want to jump in later. :)

  6. I don't think I can participate this time--sorry! Teaching writing in March will keep me busy enough. Maybe another time.

    1. Hey, teaching writing is a great reason to not take part!! Have fun with that!

  7. I'd love to join in again, Julian! :D
