So, today....I'm afraid we have the dreaded side character post.
Personally, I kind of looked forward to it, as I have quite a number of characters, BUT I knew I'd have to narrow it down to the mainest side characters....and that would be annoying and sad and cause me to choose favorites and actually admit some have more place in the story than I also dreaded it...but it was good for me.

Introduce your side characters, explain what makes them unique, and perhaps include their relationship to the MC.
Wisdom Ravencroft
West Band Warrior // kind-hearted // knows everyone and their uncle // Marywyn's best friend // everyone's best friend, actually // praises God in every situation
Jaran Luniah
Royal Blood // doesn't act royal // West Band Warrior // chivalrous // gentleman // helps anyone who needs help // talks to his horse like it understands him // maybe it does
Princess Connaven
Royalty // knows it // knows everything // actually knows very little // no one likes her // the feeling is mutual // desperately wants a friend // but won't admit it // doesn't want a waiting woman
Duren Blackburn
Captain of the West Band // hasn't spoken a word in over a year // uses his fiddle to communicate // a great swordsmen // scars // people are afraid of him // kindhearted
Queen Moreno
Has control of everything // has multiple plans up her highly-decorated sleeves // can burn you alive just by looking at you // loves her family // and dancing // and pretty writing utensils
Rayn Hetherin
Second in Command of the West Band // likes reading // eager to help // likes reading // has quite a sweet tooth // likes reading // has a head for strategy // Marywyn's sword teacher
Mithrin Roderkar
Captain of the Guard // intentionally mysterious // powerful warrior // proud // loves a good practical joke // madly in love with the Princess // can't stand Marywyn
used to be a thief // now works in a bakery // turned over a new leaf // medieval parkour // horrible manners // rough exterior // devoted friend // cooks a mean cupcake // flour everywhere
Tach the Minstrel
won't shut up // travels the world playing his lute // acts like he knows everything // is extremely annoying // somehow you can't help but like him
Maxin Anaheim
Crown Warrior to the King // noble // greying hair // has dedicated his life to the King and his safety // wife died young // a sad story // still finds reasons to smile // adopts Marywyn
Provide snippets from your WIP for each side character (can include the villain).
Wisdom Ravencroft
"She's still singing?" my escort asked, his voice suddenly rough and biting. "They never learn, do they, those Believers?"
The other guard laughed. "I'm betting two more days before she gives up. Coulton thinks it'll be another week, though. I'm starting to think I won't win this wager. She seems to be quite the pious one."
Poor Wisdom. How brave she was to sing in such a place!
Jaran Luniah
In an instant, Jaran was gone, throwing me the reins and running into the crowd without so much as a word of instruction. A few terrifying moments later, he returned, dragging the goat by her horns and holding out a calming hand to Nessus, who yipped at the stranger, his tail wagging in excitement.
"Help me down!" I flapped the reins. "I should watch my goats, not you!" The sight of a warrior half-dragging a goat while a dog slobbered on his boots would have made me laugh if I wasn't on the back of a very tall horse. I held out a hand to Jaran, praying I didn't look too scared. "Please get me down!"
"Alright, miss, just wait a minute. This girl will run off again if I let her go." Jaran pulled the nanny towards his horse, and she screamed angrily at him, her bleats joining the chaos of the market traffic. How Jaran could be so calm right now was beyond me.
Princess Connaven
Conn pulled her horse to a stop, eying the surrounding riders. I tried to loosen my grip around her waist, but Freckles swished his tail and I immediately decided against it. Falling off would only make the situation worse.
When one helmeted rider kicked his mount forward, Conn threw her head up and turned to him with only one quick intake of breath. "I am Connaven, Princess of Raybir, come to speak with the Ristorian King on terms of battle. You will take me to him." She was not a wordsmith, nor was she as stern and commanding as her mother, but her words rang with truth and that authority all Royalty seemed to possess. I could feel her heart beating through my death-grip-embrace, and I knew, despite her proud words, she was afraid.
Duren Blackburn
Duren's eyebrows arched upwards, and he touched the hem of my sleeve, tracing the edge of the brown fabric. I stared, confused, and glanced to Wisdom for an explanation. What did he mean?
"He's asking if you're a villager?" Wisdom glanced at her captain, her tone wondering if she had guessed correctly.
He nodded, wordlessly, and slowly raised his head, his grey eyes sad. If he could speak, he surely would have apologized for all the confusion.
Queen Moreno
"You do not make decisions here in Raybir, and you certainly do not tell your Queen what to do!" Moreno stood in her anger and concentrated all her fury on my, her words as cold as water in winter. "Just because you have a sword, little Windborne, does not mean you control the world. You come here, telling lies, in hopes to get some honor, some recognition, some money, perhaps. But I see through you. I know the truth behind your lies. And there's nothing you can do about it."
Rayn Hetherin
"How do I pray?"
"Who are you praying to?"
Rayn was silent. Then, "I am praying to One who will not forgive me. It will fall on deaf ears."
It was all I could do to not grab his hair and give him a good shake. Was he not listening to anything we said?
Mithrin Roderkar
I paced back and forth, while Mithrin stood by the table, attempting to look calm. A faint twitch at the corner of his mouth displayed his exasperation with the situation.
"I think I may just take this matter into my own hands," he said at last, breaking the silence. "Clearly you are not able to solve this dilemma on your own."
The last thing we wanted was his help, but Conn smiled at him, encouraging him. I directed a frown at the warrior, which he ignored.
"Oh, I'm not afraid of dying. It'll be nice to be with the Lord, in a place where I will never lack any good thing. But I haven't done much good on this earth, you know. I kind of would like to get a few years to praise Him here, and tell others about how He has saved me. He knows best, though, so I'll not complain."
The minstrel smiled faintly. "I don't think I'll die yet, though I sort of wish I would pass out so the pain would go away. You'll do something about that, won't you? I guess you are good at this sort of thing, if you were the one called to take care of me. It's not too bad, is it?" he continued, as I examined the wound. "You don't think I'll die from it, do you? That was a fight though, wasn't it! Did anyone grab my lute? Did Duren get away? I hope no one else got hurt, though I wouldn't be surprised. How long have you been a healer, Marywyn? I never would have thought it of it, but here you are."
"Peace!" Rayn ordered, making as if to get up from his chair. "Let Marywyn do her work in silence!"
"My apologies, Marywyn! I hope I haven't been distracting you too badly. I am sorry..."
Maxin Anaheim
From behind me, Maxin uttered something I couldn't make out. When I turned to him, an eyebrow raised, he smiled apologetically. "I need to have a talk with that fool, Landin."
"You think this was his doing?"
"When you get to be my age, Marywyn, you just get to the point where you know everything." A small smile twisted his lips. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
I touched the sword hilt at my side. "Let me know what you find out."
Which of your side characters is closest to the MC?
Wisdom. She took the time to sit and talk with Marywyn and comfort and encourage her. She truly cared, from the moment they first met, about Marywyn, even if she was just a stranger. If you are ever in need anything, Wisdom will help.
How do the good guys work together as a team?
Marywyn panics. Wisdom prays. Nahale stands in the shadows and looks cool. Mithrin announces his plan. Rayn insults the plan. Tach tries to convince everyone to do what Mithrin says, and Ondore argues right back for Rayn. Connaven whines that they're all going to die and Jaran cracks a stupid joke. Lavern is the only who laughs. Maxin rolls his eyes at kids these days. Then Duren points at everyone with his fiddle bow and they all rush to do what they think he was trying to tell them.
It somehow works.
How do they clash with each other?
*clears throat*
Just read the previous answer.
Describe your antagonist/villain in 3 words.
Power Doesn't Satisfy
Why is your villain bad?
Moreno thinks she's been wronged, and would argue that she's deprived and misunderstood and hated, and just trying to get what she deserves. Deep down in her heart, she knows what she's doing is wrong, but she tries to silence that inner conscience by lying to herself and others (and even killing those who tell her the truth). After telling herself over and over that the ends justify the means, and that since she's "making things right" she can do whatever it takes to get that done, she's started to fully believe it.
Even if "making things right" means starting a world-wide war, killing a bunch of innocent people, and assassinating those who know her true plans.
The other villains have different motives...but this tag is focusing on Queen Moreno. Maybe they'll get spotlighted sometime later.
Is the villain an “I work alone” sort of person, or the kind who has a ton of minions?
Queen Moreno keeps the deepest, darkest parts of her plan to herself, but she has lots of servants, spies, traitors, and friends who carry out her bidding to get things done, be it assassinations, writing false letters, or simply keeping an eye on her enemies and looking for things they can use to their advantage.
How does your villain walk and talk?
Queen Moreno is everything a queen should be - graceful, regal, beautiful, the whole nine yards. She is calm and collected, with elegant clothes, and a commanding voice. She is every inch of Royalty.
What are the villain’s main mannerisms that define him/her?
Calm, decisive, and resourceful.
With the occasional shouting and demanding when things get really out of hand.
So do you like my characters????? I've loads more to share, but I don't want to overwhelm y'all. Just know that this is not every single character who has lots of page time. You will discover more folks as you read the trilogy. But these are the mainest main characters.
Links will be updated as available: Sarah, Gray, Faith, Keturah, Evan, Lila, Snaps, Jem, Catherine.