Know the Novel - A Linkup Part 2

Hello everyone.  It's me.  And I'm back for the second part of Christine's little linkup, which is sooooo fun!!
How’s the writing going?

Writing is going well.  I've only had three bad (as in, painful) writing days, one with my right wrist, then my IT band, than a really bad left wrist episode that made me call typing quits as soon as I reached my word count.

I'm still well on my way to reach my goal of 100K in one month.  But then, Thanksgiving looms.  And a day out with Sarah and Evan.

What’s been the most fun aspect about writing this novel so far?

Getting back into the story world after editing the other books for so long.  I'm getting to introduce characters I wrote in the third book.  And just really build things up for the epic ending that is Words of Peace.

Has your novel surprised you in any way?

Yes!  They always do, actually, since I slightly wing my drafts.  I recently had this one scene that will probably get cut out, but it was unplanned, and just lots of fun to write.

What do you think of your characters at this point? Who’s your favorite to write about?

I love my MC, Marywyn.  She's really great to write, especially after struggling through a few harder female MCs.  So I'm glad that she's easy to write.  But Ii do enjoy writing Duren as well, though because he doesn't talk, it can be a bit of a challenge to write out his gestures and stares.  Wisdom is fun, too.  And Mask.  Okay, I just like writing all my characters...

If you were transported into your novel and became any one of the characters, which one do you think you’d be? Would you take any different actions than they have?

I would probably be Wisdom, I think.  Though I'm not as much at ease with strangers as she is.  And she always seems to have the right thing to say, while I don't.  But I do love getting to know people, like she does, and we both enjoy reading and the like. 

Honestly, though, I would probably have gone against Rayn's command and galloped to Ristor with Marywyn, though.  But Wisdom didn't want to disobey rules, so she remained in Raybir.

Give us the first sentence or paragraph and then 2 (or 3!) more favorite snippets! ready for some horrible NaNo drafts....

First Paragraph: If you open the history books to the reign of King Ryden, and look at the records, you will see where I was sworn in as a Crown Warrior.  What you will not find, is, a month and a half later, where I was removed from my position.

She held up a hand, a finger shaking.  “Back up, let’s get out of here.”
“What is it?”
“Water snake.”
 My hand dropped to my pocket just as a large head burst from the water.  I had seen snakes before, many, many times, but never ones this huge.  The eyes were as big as my hand, the mouth large and gaping, the teeth green from years spent in the water.  Raya grabbed the closest rock, chucking it towards the snake, but missed by a few inches.  The slimy beast turned towards her, slowly drifting forward.  I pulled the tiger knives from my pocket, planting my feet so as not to slip on the rocks.  The familiar grating sound carried across the water as I rubbed the blades together, and the snake turned away from Raya, looking towards me.  Then, suddenly, Mithrin was there, erupting from the waves right underneath the snake, a knife shining cold and deadly in his hand.  He thrust upwards, spilling blood into the ocean.  The snake struggled, rising higher out of the water before sinking under the waves.  It’s tail struck the rocks, and I lost my balance, dropping the knives as I fell onto the rocks.  Pain jabbed my shoulder and I watched one of my knives slip beneath the water, falling down…down…into darkness.

I leaned out the window, breathing in crisp, salty air.  Below me, the sea crashed against the rocks of the castle.  Birds flew so close to the window, I could probably touch one if I held out my hand.  Jaran leaned out beside me, a smile growing across his face.  “The sea!”
“Don’t get too far out,” Tan stood in a corner, leaning on his unstrung bow.  “I’ve heard stories of sea creatures pulling people out of the castle and into the water and drowning them.”
Jaran and I both took a quick step back, and Tan laughed.  “Just stories.”
“But stories usually are started with a grain of truth,” Jaran rubbed the back of his neck.  “Let’s not risk it, eh, Marywyn?”
“So what do we do now?” Tan looked to Kiren.  “Is there a plan?”
“Do whatever it takes to not get ourselves killed.  Should be easy enough, except we made the mistake to bring Jaran with us.”
“First chance you get, throw him to the sea creatures!” Raya laughed.  “Marywyn, push him out the window!”
Jaran skittered away and threw himself onto a couch just as Mithrin reentered the room.  Everyone stood, making polite movements and exclamations, while Jaran thudded to the floor with a screech in a tangle of blankets and pillows.


“I’ll make you a deal.  I’ll tend to your wounds, and in return, I won’t ask you what you’re doing here.”
Mask set the mug down and stared at me for quite a long time.
“And I won’t ask why you wear that ridiculous handkerchief.  Consider that as a gift.”
“You’re hurt.”
“You know that I’ve been following you.”
“Yes, and you’re hurt.  I cared for Ristorians after the war, just like I would help any of my own people.
 I’m a healer.  We see someone in pain, and we have to help them, whoever they are, wherever they are from.”
The Innkeeper set down the things I’d asked for.  I gestured to them, my fingers hovering over the bowl of steamy water.  “Deal?”
Mask tugged the handkerchief up higher over his nose.
Have you come across any problem areas?

Sort of yeah, but that's because I knew I was changing my synopsis and I didn't care.  So now I have to deal with the consequences.

What’s been your biggest victory with writing this novel at this point?

Pushing myself.  I personally find 50K a very attainable goal.  So it's been really nice to challenge myself to reach 100K and actually have to work to get there.

Be honest, have you killed any characters off yet?

Well, a couple random enemy warriors have been killed.  Another character has gotten attacked a number of times.  And I know of two fixed deaths that have yet to happen (just haven't gotten that far in the draft yet).  But no, no main characters have died.  Yet.

Take us on a tour of a what a normal writing day for this particular novel has looked like. Where do you write? What time of day? Alone or with others? Is a lot of coffee (or some other drink) consumed? Do you light candles? Play music? Get distracted by social media (*cough, cough*)? Tell all!

So...a normal writing day?

Get up.  Read the Bible.  Write for 5 minutes (no music, just a very brief sprint).
Get dressed.  Feed the animals.  Eat breakfast while browsing social media.
Go to work. lunch and check social some more.
Go home.  Play an instrument.  Eat supper.  Feed the animals.  Take a shower.  Check social media one last time.
Write for an hour and a half (this is my main writing time; usually I just play soundtracks, with a handy box of cheese-its and a cup of water nearby, and sometimes I have a cat or two in the room).
Watch ten minutes of something (like a Studio C video or two) as a reward for reaching my daily word goal.  Set alarm and go to sleep.
Repeat.  Saturdays are similar (except I do other stuff instead of work) and I take Sundays off completely from writing.


  1. Your snippets are so intriguing! Loved learning more about your book! 100 words is a big goal! You go, girl!! 50,000 is really hard for me! :) Great schedule! Studio C makes a great incentive! :D What's your favorite one??

    1. I'm not sure. I love a couple of them...The Absent-Minded Robber, maybe, top fave?

  2. Congrats on your writing so far! It sounds like things have been going relatively smoothly. Also, I loved your snippets -- and your characters sound interesting, especially Marywyn. I'd love to find out more about her.

    Eleanor | My Know the Novel Post
