How to put an experience...feelings...memories...into a blog post? Well, I'm going to attempt it. My Realm Makers is made up of little moments, small occurrences, that keep it bright and adored in my memory.

Editing my pitch like crazy Tuesday morning before heading to work and re-printing everything out after finding a SINGLE. TYPO.
Not packing until Tuesday night at 11:30pm, while on an energy drink rush. (In my defense, I was testing out the new green tea energy drinks from work.)
Getting up at 6am Wednesday, throwing everything in the Falcon, and stopping by work to hand out paychecks.
True to her namesake, the Falcon not starting back up when I try to leave work.

Driving straight to Sarah's house because my car might not start up again if I turn it off.
Sarah's dad: *opens my trunk* So, what needs to go into the van?
Me: Um....all of it.
Driving with Sarah, jamming, and chatting about anything and everything.
My gps telling me to turn around in the middle of the highway and go in the opposite direction.
Me: *gestures grandly while telling a story while driving Sarah: One hand on the wheel, please. Me: What? I was using my knee! |
Trying to find a hotel that isn't already booked up, and calling 3 before finding a place to sleep.
Me: Just pull up google maps on my phone.
Sarah: *opens phone* This is all in Russian.
IHOP delivery not putting avocado on my food (making me crave avocado for basically the rest of the trip).
Watching Road to El Dorado (for the first time ever) and simultaneously rolling on the floor in laughter and also being rather horrified. (Also, Sarah and I do know what our costumes will be next year.)
IS THAT AN ARMADILLO????? - me, while driving
Arriving at the Sheraton in MO and careening into the parking lot blasting He's a Pirate with the windows down and the base turned up.

Setting up our book table and absolutely loving the setup (one of my dad's sailing maps was the perfect finishing touch).
Trying to smuggle swords through the hotel elevator.
Is this even legal?? |
Getting to listen to 5 minutes of the opening keynote before getting emergency work calls, and spending the next hour and a half making phone calls, trying to figure out what's going on, talking down the employees as they panic, and hoping the gas station won't blow up.
Thinking I don't need to set an alarm Friday morning and basically sleeping through Sarah and Nicole getting up...and then waking up to an empty room about twenty minutes before the morning session started. And I still had to shower.
Feeling absolutely horrible during the first class and thinking "oh, crap, I'm getting sick...I'm gonna be the one who gets covid and gives it to everyone at Realm Makers" and then feeling 100% better after eating lunch (probably was hungry)(because I skipped breakfast)(because I SLEPT IN).
Really enjoying David Farland's classes. <3 SO MUCH material that really encouraged and motivated me.
Getting a "no, we're not interested, but it does sound really cool and unique, so keep at it" in my first pitch.
Selling the pirate books to a random hotel-goer who wandered downstairs.
Dressing up as Hadrian Blackwater from the Riyria Revelations for the awards dinner, and actually having someone recognize me.
Me: *randomly passing by Captain America while in costume*
Captain America: *salutes* Hadrian, SIR!
Did the great Carla Hoch ask to hold my sword? Ummm....yes....(should I have been scared??) |
(Apparently) Intimidating a group of soccer boys while in full costume, causing one of them to accidentally walk into the wall.
People asking to hold my swords.
Getting asked like three times if I was the Witcher (maybe I should have strolled around with mandolin while singing "Toss a Coin...").
Fun facts: My large sword is a replica of William Wallace's claymore from the Braveheart movie, my short sword was originally from Medieval Times and used in their theatre fights, and the "regular" sword is a replica of Anduril, Aragorn's sword from LotR - BUT it has the name "Hirenadaye" engraved on it, which is the name of Duren's sword in The Red War Annals. |
Person: Is your sword real?
Me: *turns around to display all three* Which one?
Person: :o
Playing In Dreams with some amazing people (also in full costume). THEY WERE THE BEST!!!!! <3
Getting to see all sorts of cool costumes (Shallan!) (HTTYD family!) (Winter Soldier!) (Peggy Carter!) (Men in Black!) (and so much more)!

Getting admittedly bored by the end of the did kinda go on too long, imo. Reading some excerpts was an amazing idea, but not when there's like, 50 awards to go through...
Stopping by the hotel bar for a drink (while in full costume). Apparently I had no idea that was on my bucket list, but it is, and now I've crossed it off.
The bartender still IDd me. |
Deciding that the costume is super cool and comfortable, and wearing it again on Saturday (though I exchanged the 2 swords for a long knife).
Random Kid: Is your sword real?
Me: Yes.
Kid: Can I hold it?
Me: No.
Doing my second pitch (in costume) and getting a request for three chapters!
Discovering that Carla's classes are a meme gold mine.
Random people coming up and asking me to sign their pirate books (can one get tired of that???).
Buying way too many books.

Worshipping with the dear folks at the nearby FCC on Sunday morning.
Chilling with Sarah Sunday night and going for a stroll around the hotel (in full costume).
Driving home in the rain through the misty mountains...while singing along to all the LotR songs. (Such vibes. What mood.)
The Falcon not starting again when I try to leave Sarah's house. Thankfully I have a pair of jumper cables always on hand, and those did the trick this time.
Arriving home to all the family (and animals) really missing me (the dogs didn't eat anything...guess I didn't explain my pattern well enough).
Unpacking and smelling all the new books. Realizing I might need a new bookshelf.
Planning for next year!!
Realizing that I have costume plans for 2022 and 2023. So....yeah.