Oh Yeah

When one is in certain situations, the perfect expression is needed, or else the entire thing will be a failure or else just plain embarrassing.  This will not only make such an event memorable to you and those around you, but will give others the appearance that you are on the top of things and not in the least concerned about what just happened.

Such an expression should not be too long, or else you may not have time to finish it (which only makes the situation worse).  Too complicated, and you yourself may not even remember it in time. If the expression is too simple or boring, people may not remember it, and then you might as well have not bothered. 

My expression is "Oh yeah" and I like to think it works quite well.


My first major (and only) running fall happened while Evangeline and I were out mountain running.  The sunset was beautiful, and I simply wasn't looking at the trail.  One minute I was looking at the trees, and the next I was the ground.  My knees took most of the fall, but they weren't bleeding - I would get some very nasty bruises, but nothing major.  So I got up and we kept running. 

By the time I got home, I had mostly forgotten about the fall.  The pain was almost gone (and I probably just associated it with my bad knee, which usually is a little twitchy after a run anyway).

But my mom notices instantly.  "What happened?!"

I glance at my knees, as if I'd forgotten.  "Oh, yeah..."


I have a young horse that likes to get a little bucky when he first starts into a canter (I call it his "Winter Soldier" mode).  Of course, I don't let him buck, so what usually happens is I urge him into a canter, he tosses his head and prances around for a few steps, and then he moves into the requested gait.  I don't usually think about this sequence, until I was riding with a group of local horsemen, and we decided to take a nice canter up the road.
So there I am, riding through that little prance...and the guy riding beside me starts laughing.  "Your horse is dancing!"

I shrug, smile a little, and say, "Oh, yeah."


When we meet a new family and are doing the usual introductions, it eventually comes out:  ...and Julian writes stories!
Everyone turns to me, and I casually shrug.  "Oh yeah."  Hopefully they won't ask for any more information or my mind will blank.
Sarah and I are hanging out at our campsite, and I let Pepper out of the temporary fencing and let him graze around the tent.  Eventually he gets a little too far away for my comfort, and I call his name and he comes right back to where we're sitting.
Two nearby campers look up from setting up their own fencing, and ask in surprise, "Did he just come when you called him?"
I smile.  "Oh, yeah."
"Wait, where's my insert anything here!?"
"Oh.. yeah..."
"I thought you said that you were going to meet me here at lunchtime?!"
"Oh...yeah..."  *laughs a little*
"Oh, you like The Lord of the Rings?  Well, you know, Tolkien wrote another one...the Sil...Sil-something or other.  Have you heard of that one?"
*grins*  "Oh, yeah..."

So what's your go-to word or phrase?  I'd love to know!


  1. Lol, this was hilarious. I don't know if I have a go to phrase...probably something to do with HTTYD. XD

    And I still haven't watched/read LotR...

    I'm going to make that hashtag a trend. XD

    1. Lol, that's funny!! The movies are good, but the books can be long-winded. But they're not for everyone. :)

      "Duh-duh-da, we're dead." My favorite HTTYD quote.

  2. I loved this post, Julian!!

    *groans at horrible Marvel pun*

    I'll have to ask Lia if she remembers any of my go-to phrases. I honestly change it every so often, I don't remember what my current one is. LOL.


    1. Well, he's a completely big, black muscular horse (the one in my profile pic, actually), and sometimes he gets nicknamed Bucky. Cause he likes to buck. So the "Winter Soldier" name gets applied to his energetic moments. Once, for a race, I even put a star on his left hip...

      But having a go-to phrase is certainly useful!

  3. Haha, love this! And... I unfortunately don't know my go-to phrase. I would need to interrogate my family or something. xD

    1. Or you can make one up and just start using it for anything and everything...

  4. Mine is probably"well that was fun/exciting/interesting!"

    1. "Well that was interesting" - Sarah, after anything happens.

  5. THAT PUN IS BRILLIANT. [I may or may not be biased because anything Winter Soldier is awesome?? But it's a GREAT PUN (and I usually just groan at puns).]

    This whole idea is awesome, actually. "Never be at a loss for conversation again... with just one short phrase, you have your contribution to any conversation - and manage to kill it at the same time! You are now invincible!" (Sorry. Just me being weird here. xD)

    (Have you had that last situation happen to you??)
    - Jem Jones

    1. Yes, that situation really did happen. My Uncle was like "You still like Lord pf the Rings?" And of course I grin in return, and he said, "Well, Tolkien wrote another one, called the Sil...Sill...something or other...have you heard of it?"

      And me, who actually takes a small paper-back (coverless) copy on every trip in my purse, was like "Oh, yeah!!!"

  6. Sorry, I know you're saying "Oh Yeah" but my mind keeps substituting it with "Aww Yeah"...which has a completely different connotation...
    #StudioC #MalloryEverton #AWW-YEAH!

    -Evan from https://ijusthappened.blogspot.com/

    1. I just watched that with my younger siblings! We were all crying, we were laughing so hard... You should DEFINITELY use that phrase xD

    2. I originally wrote this post before I had seen that one...so...that's not where I got it from, but probably will say it like that now!

  7. Interesting question! Mine might be, "I'll have to think about that!"

    1. Not everyone might have one, but they're certainly useful!
