I've been pretty quiet about my bullet journaling, mostly because I am very much not artistic, and there's no way I could compare to everyone else and their beautiful journals. (Also, since I was just starting out, I felt like I wasn't really qualified to give a post anyway.)
But now I've been doing it since the end of 2017, so now I feel a little more advanced in my BJ abilities and experience.
Why I Hesitated to Bullet Journal
I can't draw
I can't even doodle
I don't know what colors match with each other
I thought it would take way too much extra time out of my day
I have carpel tunnel in both wrists and writing just isn't easy any more
I would probably forget about it after a month and so why bother
I would forget to look in it when I need information so what's the point
But I finally did it. I searched on Amazon for bullet journals...and decided the official, fancy ones were a bit too pricey, especially since I figured I would likely give it up after a while.
So I bought a cheap graph-paper journal. When I gave it up, I could give it to my Dad, who is always looking for more graph paper for work purposes.
My First Bullet Journal
Ha, yes, I did print out my own penname to stick across the top. |
I filled this journal out according to all the videos and posts out there on the internet.
I had the first few pages. I made some charts. I started monthly pages. Pages for notes. I bought a pack of colorful pens to use. I even attempted to do some doodles to make the pages pretty.
It was nice, I won't deny that. |
Since I didn't have the fancy washi tape stuff, I just colored in a square by the top to mark the page.
Why I Disliked It
As soon as I make a mistake (which is fairly often) I would have to rip out the page, find another blank one further back in the book. And now my editing notes or book notes were all out of place. This bothered me to no end.
Writing on the left hand side was bothersome and even on the right side could get annoying, since the book was so large. Also, I had to write really tiny.
My hands are cramping just looking at this... |
I hated filling out the charts and never used my color-coded key.
What I Liked
I did enjoy having something in my purse at all times to use for anything - scrap paper, story ideas, writing down dates.
I think my handwriting is better when in all uppercase, lol |
End Result
Not bad, but could be better. I mean, it's a start, it doesn't have to be pretty.
My Second Bullet Journal
Gotta admit, this is a pretty cover! |
While struggling with my first one, I remembered a notebook my Dad had bought me years and years ago for taking sermon notes. The notebook was made in such a way that you could take out and insert pages as needed. Well, I thought, sounds like the perfect idea for a bullet journal.
Off I traipsed to Staples (early January of 2018) and found just what I was looking for. I picked out a pretty journal, a variety of sheet paper, and a few rolls of colorful tape. (Thankfully I had to make a trip to Staples just before this post went up, so I snapped a couple pictures to add!)
I hope Staples doesn't mind me taking photos from the inside of their store. |
Different journal choices! |
Lots of different kinds of pages to use! |
Now I was set to experiment as much as I wished, because I could easily move pages around!
What I Disliked
At first I used the full calendar, but that just took too much room.
I then made my own calendars, which was better. |
I switched to making a month a page, but that just got difficult too, since it seems like I'm always switching around dates for things.
I tried doodling, but that didn't work out well - again.
I liked the G2 pens a lot more, but I still stink at color coding.
Try not to freak out at the coloring choices... |
I still don't always check the calendar.
What I Liked
The ability to move pages around - seriously, that is a life saver!!
The different types of paper.
The light weight of the notebook for easily carrying in my purse.
I could make it as thick or thin as I wanted, just by adding or taking out pages. |
End Result
I tried a bunch of different things, now that I could just remove and add pages as needed. After half a year, I became settled in what I used the BJ for: essentially, lists. I listed what I wanted to do each week or month. I listed books I read. I listed books I wanted to read.
I also took notes while reading. |
I stopped making calendars, and just used the one on my computer that is liked with my family's emails. And then I make sure the one on my phone is UTD with the email calendar. (I'm more likely to pull my phone to check a date than my BJ.)
I also stopped making smaller To-Do lists in it, and used the Reminders app on my phone. Let's face it - I always have my phone with me, in my pocket. My BJ stays in my purse.
My Third Bullet Journal
It's sooooo pretty!!! |
I was happy with my second one. I had finally gotten to where I knew what I liked and what I could to with it. Only complaint was that it was getting a bit crushed in my purse when I carried a bunch of other books at the same time, and my loose items (receipts and notecards) kept falling out.
Then, early February, I took Sarah to my favorite used bookstore, and while there, we looked at the pretty notebooks. And I found one I really liked. So I told myself I could buy it, on the condition that I actually used it.
And I got home and wondered what to do now. So I decided to move my BJ into the new notebook.
So far, it's gone well.
What I Dislike
Having to tear pages out when huge mistakes are made. I miss being able to move things around.
I have, since these pictures were taken, finally added the washi tape to the pages to bookmark all my different lists. |
What I Like
The pages are easy to write on, with nice spacing.
It's so pretty!!
It has a pocket in the back to keep my extra slips of paper in.
End Result
My favorite thing - lists! |
For now, I think it's working. I've made ample room for each section (TBR, Books Read, Monthly To-Do Lists, and so on) in case I need to start over. I'm using the washi tape to make it easier to find sections. And I use my phone for a calendar and short-term to-do lists.
Advice for Beginning Bullet Journalers
I really would advise buying something similar to the second BJ I purchased, especially since you're starting out. Being able to organize easily reduces a bunch of headache and stress. Once you're settled into your habits and what you like and don't like, you can move up to a more solid (or official) BJ.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. The point of a BJ is to help keep you organized, not to stress yourself out. It doesn't need to be pretty. It doesn't need to look like all those beautiful pictures scattered across the internet. Write in your usual sloppy scrawl, don't worry about adding gorgeous doodles, and just make it work for you. The BJ isn't for others - it's for you, and you alone.
Don't be afraid to try new things and toss what doesn't work. Just because everyone else uses a habit tracker doesn't mean you have to. Figure out what you want from your BJ and do what you that. I don't want to spend 15 minutes every evening filling in squares and writing down what I did - I simply cross something off my to-do list or scribble down the title of the book I just read, and I'm done.
Mix-and matching is fine, just do what it takes to get things done efficiently. I email myself things I need to do during the work day, because my email is always up and I keep my inbox under strict control. Things to do around the house are put in my phone app, because that is always in my pocket. And then monthly and yearly goals are in my BJ, which I pull out and go through a couple times a week.
What'cha think? Motivated? Encouraged? Horrified by the un-aesthetic penguins? |