July Wrap-Up

Hey y'all!!  So July was obviously a busy month.  Realm Makers and all that jazz.  But you've already seen my Realm Makers post, so I'm not going to talk much about that here.

I'll just add a few things:

Writers are a wonderful bunch.  They act like they're shy and awkward, but really, get a bunch of them together and they just won't stop talking.  It's beautiful.

Pitching is not as scary as it would seem.  It's just talking to another person.  It's just talking about your story.  If they say no, it's okay.  It just means they personally don't like your story, or don't think your book would work with the line they are trying to build.  And that's perfectly okay.  Just move on.  Someone out there is looking for a book like yours.

Driving in a 15 passenger van was probably the best vehicle to take.  Lots of room for suitcases, trash, and sprawling out.

What Else Happened in July?

Susan gave birth to an ADORABLE calf!!  She waited until a few days after I got back from Realm Makers, and I managed to run out at 5 in the morning to be there right after the baby was born.  Got to see him stand for the first time.  :)  His name is Sir Loin.  And I think his big sister is jealous, as she has now taken to following me all around to get attention.  (Pictures below.)

I was published with Havok.  That was really cool.  #finallypublished

Favorite Read of the Month

Well, I speed-read the Wars of the Realm books by Chuck Black.  It was nice to read some of his works again (I grew up reading his Arrethtrae books).

Reading Plan

Still on track.  Missed some of the afternoon/evening readings while at Realm Makers, but managed to catch back up in time to write this.

The Inevitable Photo Dump

Enjoy the baby cow pictures.  :)

Driving home from Realm Makers!!

Guess what happened to the car we were PLANNING to take???


Just look at him.  HES SO CUTE!!!!!

More airsoft.
I went for a run around the local lake.  Absolutely beautiful!!

Trash pickup day.

Giving Sweetie some attention.

Sir Loin.  He looks like a bunny....
The little ones are learning how to take all the horse tack off and store it.  Spirit is a patient teacher, which is good because he's so HUGE compared to their little arms...
Here's to a fabulous August, everyone.  Got some fun posts planned, so stick around.  :)  And CONGRATS to everyone who participated in Camp NaNo.  If you won, awesome!  If you didn't make you're goal, you are still amazing because I chickened out and didn't even try to do that this month....


  1. THE BABY IS SO CUTE!!! <3333

    Hope you have an amazing August, Julian! <3

  2. The van was definitely a great choice in vehicle. So much space!!

    Congrats on Sir Loin, too! He's totes adorbs!! Those eyes are HUGE!!

    1. It's gonna be so much fun having another little baby on the farm. :)

  3. Your month looks like it was fun!
    And aww, that picture of you and Sweetie is precious <3

  4. Wait! Were there only two of you in the van? Now that does sound fun ... I did that with some friends once ... we certainly felt like hippies ;)
    And yes about pitching! That's how I feel about it ;D


    1. Well, we had Evangeline with us as well. So three all together. And all taking up the first two rows.

  5. Fun fun! Nice name for the cute calf. :)


  6. Aww, the baby is adorable! <3 Have an amazing August!
    Ann xx

  7. Sir Loin is the cutest little bull calf, and that's a perfect name. I love little bulls, though they do get a little rambunctious as they get older. I may or may not have been sent into a fence because of six month steer.....

    1. Yeah...he's gonna end up a steer, but hopefully he won't be running us over any fences!

  8. Aww the cows! The picture of you with one is so cute.

    1. Sweetie lives up to her name! She's my selfie cow.

  9. I saw a calf be born for the first time last year at the county fair (I live in the city, if you can't tell, lol), and it was so amazing!! Baby cows are SO CUTE!!!! Happy August!

    Hanne || losingthebusyness.wordpress.com

    1. Hey, that's so cool! Fairs are always so much fun - you never know what you'll get to see!

  10. Sounds like you had a great month - and yes, calves are 100% cuteness!! ^^

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com
