Wow. Just wow. November is over. Or just about.
But thanks to everyone for taking part in the tag. I hope you enjoyed it. And I hope readers enjoyed it as well!

Line you’re most likely to cut in revisions?
The table was silent.
(Just don't ask. This one's from the first day. I was panicking. I also apparently forgot how to write.)
(In my defense, I've been editing most of the year. The last time I wrote an actual first draft was...NaNo 2018ish?)
Line you’re most proud of?
"I stopped doing it because it's wrong."
Line that made you cry while you were writing it?
"Then I shouldn't leave him," Ravin whispered.
Piece of dialogue that made you laugh out loud, shiver or flail?
"I'm off to find Jay."
(This just...made me cry and shiver and just ahhhhh it was the beginning to an epic conclusion that I've had planned out for years and typing that really hut hard because it's been years and I'm finally writing it.)
Line that made you stop writing for a minute so you could process it?
The (blank) (blank) was (blank).
(Sorry, spoilers. But I typed that sentence and just stared at it and wanted to cry and laugh and ended up just staring some more.)
Favorite snippet that describes a place or character?
The night after the sea monster, Adi couldn’t sleep. The ship tossed back and forth, rocking the hammock so rest was impossible. After what felt like hours, she gave up and stumbled her way above deck. The ocean was flat and so calm it was like sitting on a sheet of glass. Every single star glittered on the mirror of water, and Adi almost expected to look over the railing and see down to the bottom of the ocean. Instead, her own reflection looked back at her, circled with a crown of stars.
Line you can hardly believe you wrote (whether that's positive or negative is up to you)?
"No, but it’ll dry out all the moisture from your mouth, and leave a weird taste in your teeth."
A snippet where even you aren’t entirely sure what’s happening.
The only animals they found were flocks of large, flightless birds that at first seemed unafraid of the newcomers. Only when Josiah was almost in the middle of them did they notice they had a visitor—and responded by screeching and diving for him. Josiah screamed and fled the little clearing where the birds had been sunbathing. They chased him into the woods, only leaving him alone with the rest of the crew charged the birds in turn.
(Where did these birds come from? Why didn't they like Josiah? Why did the rest of the crew scare the birds if the birds are so intent on chasing people?)
Weird thing you had to Google mid-writing-session.
where do you make the hole to release pressure in lungs
(Please don't ask.)
Beginning sentence and ending sentence (if possible without spoilers).
Beginning sentence: Two people have died.

Line you’re most likely to cut in revisions?
The table was silent.
(Just don't ask. This one's from the first day. I was panicking. I also apparently forgot how to write.)
(In my defense, I've been editing most of the year. The last time I wrote an actual first draft was...NaNo 2018ish?)
Line you’re most proud of?
"I stopped doing it because it's wrong."
Line that made you cry while you were writing it?
"Then I shouldn't leave him," Ravin whispered.
Piece of dialogue that made you laugh out loud, shiver or flail?
"I'm off to find Jay."
(This just...made me cry and shiver and just ahhhhh it was the beginning to an epic conclusion that I've had planned out for years and typing that really hut hard because it's been years and I'm finally writing it.)
Line that made you stop writing for a minute so you could process it?
The (blank) (blank) was (blank).
(Sorry, spoilers. But I typed that sentence and just stared at it and wanted to cry and laugh and ended up just staring some more.)
Favorite snippet that describes a place or character?
The night after the sea monster, Adi couldn’t sleep. The ship tossed back and forth, rocking the hammock so rest was impossible. After what felt like hours, she gave up and stumbled her way above deck. The ocean was flat and so calm it was like sitting on a sheet of glass. Every single star glittered on the mirror of water, and Adi almost expected to look over the railing and see down to the bottom of the ocean. Instead, her own reflection looked back at her, circled with a crown of stars.
Line you can hardly believe you wrote (whether that's positive or negative is up to you)?
"No, but it’ll dry out all the moisture from your mouth, and leave a weird taste in your teeth."
A snippet where even you aren’t entirely sure what’s happening.
The only animals they found were flocks of large, flightless birds that at first seemed unafraid of the newcomers. Only when Josiah was almost in the middle of them did they notice they had a visitor—and responded by screeching and diving for him. Josiah screamed and fled the little clearing where the birds had been sunbathing. They chased him into the woods, only leaving him alone with the rest of the crew charged the birds in turn.
(Where did these birds come from? Why didn't they like Josiah? Why did the rest of the crew scare the birds if the birds are so intent on chasing people?)
Weird thing you had to Google mid-writing-session.
where do you make the hole to release pressure in lungs
(Please don't ask.)
Beginning sentence and ending sentence (if possible without spoilers).
Beginning sentence: Two people have died.
Ending: "I've got to set up my cabin."
Thanks again for reading, and hope to keep y'all updated on Ships, Secrets, and Survivors. It's going to be a great book!
Thanks again for reading, and hope to keep y'all updated on Ships, Secrets, and Survivors. It's going to be a great book!