Writer's OTP Challenge

So I stole this from MK who stole this from The Splendor Falls On Castle Walls. I have no shame, apparently.

Here are the guidelines: You can fill this out with any of your WIPs, published books, or ideas-to-be-written.

I will be using characters from The Red War, Char ne Rayft, and Heritage of Kings. I will not say which books the characters are from in hopes that that will keep spoilers to a lower rate. :)

The first OTP you wrote

Shahima and Lars. First book I ever finished (they had different names then). Shahima was trained to be an Evonian Knight, and is fierce and independent and headstrong. Lars, a Forester, is just as stubborn and ready-to-fight, only he has a sense of humor. Together they help...well...spoilers...but basically, they didn't fall in love at first sight, but became friends simply when the war threw them together and they had to save the missing king.

Your cliché OTP from an early work that you still love

HAHAHA. Drew and Georgie. Second book I wrote. Drew was 100% based off Anakin Skywalker - hot temper, impatient, long wavy red hair, even had the scar. Georgie was the typical "girls can do everything better than boys and don't even give me a hand up I can get up myself thank you very much" kinda gal. They hated each other. Then tolerated each other. Then fell in love. I'm honestly surprised my beginning-writer-self managed to tie in their love story fairly neatly and realistically.

A hate-to-love OTP you’ve written. (Or your favorite, if you’ve written several)

Rashida and Coden. They were betrothed by their parents. Rashida hated Coden from the start, he tried his best to tolerate her though she frankly annoyed him to no end. Throw in some adventures (like scryrens, mysterious runes, and the end of the world) and they soon learned how to get along.

Your OTP with the craziest relationship

Gerim and Vanyar. Like, wow. Vanyar speaks several languages, has no social skills or filter, claims to be an historian, and has an extremely good sense of smell. Gerim is a wood right by trade, doesn't know what danger is, and is 100% down for any insane plan anyone has. I'm surprised they are both still alive.

Your best dressed OTP

Probably Cade and Jewel. She's super artsy and also makes a lot of their clothes herself, so she always makes sure their clothes are looking nice. Especially as they're both royalty (though middle children, so not in line for any thrones).

Star-crossed love: your forbidden love OTP

Hmmm. Actually don't really have one? Rashida was in love with another guy when she was betrothed to Coden, but I didn't ship her with that person. I also believe Georgie's parents weren't too thrilled about her getting engaged to a Kalt (Drew), but once they met him, they were fine with it.

Your funniest OTP

Joshi and Vop. Technically Joshi is a little teen boy and Vop is a strudel (though anything passed on as edible in the Shep Kingdom is liable to be suspect), but they were inseparable for an entire book, so I'm counting them as a funny OTP.

Your OTP with the healthiest relationship

Probably Rhun and Rabe. They have the most brain cells out of anyone in the entire series. He's a born leader, and she is sweet, and they just work together really well. They know how to put up with each other.

Your sweetest, most adorable OTP

Marra and Nato. Like, she's a princess with anger issues who was exiled from her home for many years, and Nato? Umm....his brother is someone important, and Nato just kind of went along on the trip for some excitement, and next thing you know he's been captured by slavers along with the sister of the Wolf Lord and the pirates for some reason think they're married and that the random orphan that was hanging around is apparently their son??

The OTP who snuck up on you, the one you didn't expect to love

Um...Riley and Lianna. She technically isn't in the series, but I wanted to find how what happened to Riley after the books ended, and wrote my own little fanfic novella thing, and Lianna showed up and at first she thought he was weird and he was kind of a little wary of her but wow they continued being awkward but it's all cool.

Your moodiest OTP

Rodian. The moody third-wheel (because I'm running out of OTPs and don't want to double-up). He gets to stand around and be grumpy while everyone else is spending time with their true love. Thinks he knows better than everyone, and would probably rather live in the woods by himself but he happens to like his friends (though he may not admit that to their face).

A class-crossed OTP you’ve written

Cadren and Tanneran. He's one of the Dreman Mountain Kings, and she was born a slave. And also tried to kill him a few times. They're both super awkward and shy and sweet, I love them to bits.

An OTP you wrote that most people don’t ship

So not many people have read my books, oddly enough...but I originally wrote Marywyn's ending in a way that she married a guy named Nahale. In the meantime, I totally shipped her with Duren. And finally Sarah looked at me and said "You're the author, you can change that." So I did.

Your very favorite OTP you'll love for the rest of your days

Marywyn and Duren. After all they've been through, it's only fair to let them continue looking out for each other. She comforts him and he encourages her. And I could ramble on and on about them but I won't. :)

Feel free to steal this tag, y'all! Let's share our favorite OTPs!!


  1. Um, excuse you, but DO NOT compare my beloved Drew to Anakin Skywalker. *barfs*

    Also, I love that I was a common sense filter. Like, yeah, you don't actually have to pair two characters together if you don't like it?? Also, to anyone who reads this series: you're very welcome.

    1. Well, Branwen and Drew were very much rather based off "Obi-Wan and Anakin" in the early stages, haha. Or so I imagined. Who knows? It was very early in my writing life and I had no idea what I was doing.

      But yeah, you basically are my common sense filter. You and Evan are basically 99% of my impulse control and 100% my voice of reason.

  2. "and next thing you know he's been captured by slavers along with the sister of the Wolf Lord and the pirates for some reason think they're married and that the random orphan that was hanging around is apparently their son??"





  3. Okay but these all sound FANTASTIC and I echo everything MK said XD XD :D

  4. This is so fun! There's no way I could do this tag because I've honestly only written like two couples, but I loved reading your answers. xD


    1. Some of them are actual couples in the stories, though others are more "me, the author, really really ships them" lol

  5. Such a fun idea! I've had moments with characters, where you put the wrong two together and then forget that there is no rule that you can't change it. XD

    1. Yes!! We are the writers, we can do whatever we want!
