4 Cons to Co-Writing a Story

Sadly, yes, there are cons to co-writing. Maybe not so much cons as possible problems you might encounter. These can be worked around and overcome with humility and determination.

Overstepping the Bounds

I was the first one to do this in our co-writing. Basically, I went on an editing craze, and then Sarah went onto the doc and was like "You just completely re-wrote my chapter!"


I needed to take a step back and realize that what I was changing wasn't wrong or badly-written, it simply wasn't how I personally would have written it. And since it was in a chapter with Sarah's POV character, I should have let it shine in Sarah's writing style.

Thankfully Sarah was very gracious and we set out some more obvious boundaries and moved on.

Different Plans and Desires

I might want one thing to happen in the story. Sarah might think that's ridiculous.

We gotta talk it out and decide how to work in the things we both want to see in the story. One of us might have to give up or give in. We set down the idea we have, and discuss it. But ultimately, we may have to let our idea rest.

It's Not All Your Story

Simply put, this isn't just your story. You are sharing it. You can't claim all the credit. You don't have the final say in what happens to the plot and characters. It may be tough to get used to, especially if you've been writing on your own for years. And you might accidentally anger or annoy your co-writer if you do major (or even minor) changes without discussing things with them first.

Technical Difficulties

Working with another person aside, co-writing has it's own challenges in regards to how in the world you are going to write your story. Do you email a Word Doc back and forth? What if one person prefers Scrivener and the other uses Shaxpir? What if one person uses a different font? What if one prefers handwriting? How are edits going to be addressed?

It's complicated enough to have lots of drafts and Pinterest boards and plot charts and character sheets for one person, but now these all have to be shared with two people. And kept up to date. And yeah, it's a pain.

Still want to try co-writing? Next week I have an exciting announcement, and then I'll be back with some helpful tips and tricks!


  1. Yes! Keeping all of the different docs and stuff sorted through is complicated. I really liked how you labeled all of them. It makes it so much easier to keep track of stuff.

    Basically, all cons for co-writing can be warded off by good communication and a dash of cooperation.

    1. The labeling system has pleased my OCD so very, very much...


  2. Okay, even your cons list is making me want to go grab someone to cowrite a story with. :) If only all my friends weren't so busy...
    In your cowritten story, it sounds like you alternate POV chapters--are your characters doing whatever they're doing together, or are they in different places doing different things? Just curious--I've seen it done both ways.

    (Also, hi, I'm sort-of new here. I've been reading your blog for awhile, and just started my own, so I feel like I can finally comment. :D)

    1. Hi Samantha! Thanks for sticking around and finally commenting!! (Do you have a link to your blog?)

      For this story, we are alternating POVs, and often the characters are in the same place. We just work with each other to make sure all the characters are getting written correctly. But after working with this story for a while, we do have a general idea on how to write each other's characters to their satisfaction. :)

    2. You're very welcome! Yes, I'm at: samsbookshire.blogspot.com.

      That sounds both fun and challenging! I'm sure there was a steep learning curve at the beginning. :)

  3. That's why I don't think I could ever co-write with someone. I think I'd be a bit of a control freak and would want the story to be written my way... Although, I have to admit, getting to share in the experience of creating a story and characters and having that accountability and sounding board would be really cool. Ok... maybe I would like to co-write, I just don't know if I would be good at it haha


    1. Yeah, it sometimes can be hard to not just take over everything. But getting to share everything about the story with someone and not worry about spoilers or anything is super fun.

  4. Just recently I had my first experience with co-writing a short story in a Google Doc, and I was very worried about overstepping the bounds, but we ended up having so much discussion instead.

    Looking forward to your announcement, Julian!

    1. It really is super nice to have freedom of discussion. I love getting together with Sarah and chatting over plots and stuff. :)

  5. I was wondering if there were times you guys would want to go different directions with it.
    Glad you guys were able to sort it all out. :D
